Caregivers: The Most Important People in Your Organization
Question: Who is the most important person in your organization? You? Your scheduler? Your marketer? Your front desk, HR, or care coordinator? If you’re reading this blog post, I’m guessing you already know the real answer. The most important member(s) of your organization are your CAREGIVERS. Your caregivers are the ones who are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the quality of care your organization provides. They are there, day in and day out, deep in the weeds, making the thing your organization gets paid for HAPPEN. They also tend to have the lowest level of education, the lowest pay, and the least amount of resources to help them meet the varied and complex needs of their job. Here’s the thing though. I don’t believe for one second that organizations don’t care or don’t want to offer something better to their caregivers. Call me naïve, but I just don’t. There are honestly way easier ways to make a buck than to own a caregiving organization, so it stands to reason that the vast...